The frenzy of Black Friday and Cyber Monday might have come and gone, but here the sale is just beginning...

Hello, my lovelies! November is over, bringing another NaNoWriMo to an end. The days of writing sprints and wondering how you're ever going to reach 50,000 are over for another year.
But that doesn't mean that your draft needs to be put on the shelf along with your Christmas elf. These cold, dark days are the perfect time to edit your latest work of literature and I'm here to help you noble NaNo writers to do just that.
Q: Do you need someone with experience of storycraft to help you complete developmental edits on a raw first draft?
A: I love helping an author find the shape of their story from the chaos of the initial draft.
Q: Have you got a second draft tidied up but need someone who is good at asking questions to help you tighten it up?
A: I can be an objective second opinion there to helpfully poke at plot holes and ask lots of questions about character arcs and narratives themes.
Q: Or do you have a manuscript ready to go, you clever clogs, but want someone with a sharp eye for detail to give it a final polish?
A: Proofreading is one of my specialities and I can guaretee an error free manuscript ready for self-publishing or to send out for querying.
Well, if you hire me during to work alongside you on your latest fiction masterpiece, I can offer a whopping 50% off the first half of your manuscript. Yep, that's right, the first half of your book will be edited at half my usual rates. That means:
Developmental editing is only £7 per 1,000 words
Second draft (general) editing is only £6 per 1,000 words
Proofreading is only £4 per 1,000 words
This is a limited time offer so you'll need to get in touch within the month of December to book your slot with me.
As part of the negotiation process, I will do a test edit of 1,000 words (this costs £10 and will be deducted from your final quote if you hire me for your whole book) to see if we fit well as a team. Editing of these new projects will be begin in the New Year.
So, awesome authors, why not check out my testimonials from previous clients, have a peek at my About Me page, or send an equiry email to I'm here to help make your story fly so don't hesitate to get in touch.
That's all for now, fellow writers. If you want a chat about anything at all (tell me about your favourite books! suggest good writing snacks! ask me about good editing resources!), you can DM me on Instagram.
Elizabeth xx